O.T. Frasch Images 100-109

Most O.T. Frasch images in the range from 100 to 109 show Mt. Rainier and downtown Seattle buildings. There is one reprint of a Frank Nowell photo from the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition; as is typical, its image number begins with 'X'.

Image 109 - 1st Ave. From Yesle Way is interesting for a couple of reasons. First, there are two versions, and the lettering on a beer cart is covered up on the second version. The name of "Yesler" is misspelled as well. A number of Otto's images have typographical or spelling errors like this in their captions.

100 - Mt. Rainier from Seattle
X101 - A.Y.P.E. Grounds from Universety
101 - Mt. Rainier
103 - S.S. Admeral Sampson
104 - 2nd Ave. So. from Yesler Way
107 - Occidental Ave. from Main St.
108 - Arctic Club Bldg.
109 - 1st Ave. From Yesle Way

A selected image from the range 100-109:

Image 100 - Mt. Rainier from Seattle
Image 100 - Mt. Rainier from Seattle