Site Map

Site Map

There are three main ways to access pages on this site: by image number, by acquisition date, and by searching.

By Number

Like many photographers of the early 20th century, Otto numbered most of his negatives. Move your mouse over the "Images by Number" link at the top of any page and you'll see links for pages by image number, in groups of 100. Click on one of these links and you'll be sent to a second level page with a list of image numbers within that range, in groups of 10. Not all groups of 10 have images (though we're still looking!). Click on a group of 10 and you'll see a third level page with links to all of our images in that range. Then you can click on a link to see an image.

On a touch screen, tap on the "Images by Number" link and you'll be sent to a page with all of the groups of 100.

Unnumbered images are listed in one of two alphabetic groups: A-M or N-Z. These include untitled Frasch family photos.

There are breadcrumbs at the top of every page, below the top-level menu. You can click on one of these links to go back up one or more levels. For example, if you are viewing "11 - Fourth Ave. Regrade", you will see the following breadcrumbs list at the top of the page:

Home > Images By Number > 00-99 > 10-19 > 11 - Fourth Ave. Regrade

If you click on "10-19" you'll go back up one level to the second level page. If you click on "00-99" you'll go back up two levels to the first level page. If you click on "Images by Number" you'll go back up three levels to the main "by number" page which lists all of the groups of 100. Finally, a link for the home page is always available.

By Date

If you're coming back to see what's new, move your mouse over the "New Images" link at the top of any page and you'll see a list of years. Click on a year and you'll see all of the images we added to the site in that year - most recent images first. Click on the current year, then the first image in the list, and you'll see the most recent image added to the site.

On a touch screen, tap on the "New Images" link and you'll be sent to a page with a list of years.

By Searching

To search for pages on select topics, click or tap on the "Search" link at the top of any page and you'll be sent to the search page. Enter one or more topics in the "Search words" box, select "Any of these words" or "All of these words" in the "Match type" box, and choose a search type. By default only image titles are searched, but you can request images by topic (hand-selected keywords, such as "family" for images with a family connection) or by the full text of pages.

Click on the "Search" button and a list of matching pages will be displayed, along with a "Refine your search" form populated with your search parameters. You can add or remove search words, select a different match type, or choose a different search type.


Once you get to an image display page, look for the arrows on the left and right sides of the page. These will send you to the previous (left arrow) or next (right arrow) pages and provide a quick way to see everything without going up and down the page hierarchy over and over again.

If you are on a "by number" page, the previous page has the next lower number (or the same number but an earlier date) and the next page has the next higher number. If you are on a "by date" page (in order of acquisition), the previous page is the image obtained just before the current page and the next page is the image obtained just after the current page. If you are on a search result page, the previous page and next page are in the list of search results.

Arrows are also available on the second and third level "by number" pages, and on each "by year" page. These will send you to the previous/next second or third level page (e.g. from "100-199" to "00-99" or "200-299", or from 2018 to 2017 or 2019).


Last but not least the menu at the top of each page has a list of feature articles, such as a biography of O.T. Frasch and a description of his life in Seattle.