O.T. Frasch Images 900-999

We do not have a lot of O.T. Frasch images in the range from 900 to 999. We don't know if there are only a few image numbers used in this range or whether they are scarce.

Several images show buildings in the Ballard neighborhood and a few images showing the construction of the Smith Tower in 1913 and 1914.

Image numbers 925 to 927 form a striking panorama showing a fleet of Navy ships in Seattle Harbor, with the city spread out behind them. We don't know if the ships were part of the Great White Fleet visit of 1908 or a later visit in 1911.

Topics include:

  • Seattle neighborhoods, downtown buildings and waterfront
  • Lilliwaup and Lake Cushman
  • Sund's Resort in Hoodsport
  • Navy ships in Seattle harbor
  • The J.E. Standley home in West Seattle

Decades with images:

A selected image from the range 900-999:

Image 999 - Carved Stone Presented by Kojiro Matsukata Kobe Japan (In Mt. Baker Park Seattle)
Image 999 - Carved Stone Presented by Kojiro Matsukata Kobe Japan (In Mt. Baker Park Seattle)