Pierce's Summer Resort was on the Duckabush River, on the Hood Canal north of Lilliwaup and just south of Brinnon, where this card was postmarked on June 18, 1915.
It appears that the photo was taken through a chicken wire fence; a faint hexagonal pattern is visible all the way across the image.
This card is signed "O.T. Frasch" in the lower right corner but the writing is not typical of Otto's. Perhaps it was lettered by L.A. Hoover, whose imprint appears on some Lake Cushman area cards signed by Otto.
The 'U' in "Courts" is upside down. Otto was writing captions backwards on the glass negatives and sometimes wrote letters without reversing them, so that they are backwards on the postcards. This is the only upside down letter we have seen so far, though Image 864 (864 - An Old Stump House Seattle) has an upside down number.