O.T. Frasch Images Acquired in 2009

Looking at the O.T. Frasch images we acquired in a particular year won't show patterns; after all, the postcards are purchased at different times from sellers all over the United States and occasionally from around the world. But it's interesting to see how our knowledge of Otto's work has grown over the years, and how many images we've been able to purchase at a time.

The number of images purchased leveled off in 2009, giving hope that we could still add to our collection.

Topics on images acquired in 2009 include:

  • Seattle parks and downtown buildings
  • Totem Place in West Seattle
  • Ye Olde Curiosity Shop
  • The 1909 Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition
  • Golden Potlatch 1911-1913
  • Steamers and U.S. Navy warships
  • Hood Canal: Hoodsport, Seabeck, and Lake Cushman
  • The Olympic Mountains west of Seattle
  • Eagle Dyeing advertisement
885 - 2nd Ave. on Saturday Afternoon
R6 copy B - Mt. Rainier Washington
R6 copy A - Mt. Rainier Washington
X41 - Administration Bldg. A.Y.P.E.
429 - Store and Wharf, Seabeck Wn.
1053 - Olympic Mts. Washington
388 - Totem Place Home of J. E. Standley
First Building of A. Y. P. Expo. B
141 - U.S. Torpedo Boat Rowan
870 - King D'Oro & Queen Daphne
878 B - Potlatch Parade Seattle
879 - Potlatch Parade Seattle
Eagle Dyeing
5 - Auto Parade Golden Potlatch Seattle
983 - Shells from Every Sea
367 - Totem Poles Ye Olde Curiosity Shop
X43 - Cascade Mts. from A.Y.P.E. Grounds
X25 A - Auditorium A.Y.P.E.
S.S. Minnesota by Moon Light B
S.S. Minnesota by Moon Light A
X23 - Eskimos at A.Y.P.E.
733 - Imperial Apts. Seattle
126 - A New Hotel Seattle
434 - Swimming Pool Seabeck Wn.
435 - Seabeck Road, Seabeck Wn.
413 - Fir Tree at Lake Cushman
886 - Gold Ship at G.T.P. Dock Seattle
X44 - Manufacture & Machenery Bldg's
120 - White Bldg.
979 - Sund's Hood's Canal
First Building of A.Y.P. Expo A
800 - Woodland Park Seattle
419 - The Antlers, Lake Cushman
282 - Cushman Falls Lake Cushman

A selected image acquired in 2009:

Image 367 - Totem Poles in Ye Olde Curiosity Shop Seattle
Image 367 - Totem Poles in Ye Olde Curiosity Shop Seattle