O.T. Frasch Images 100-199

Otto's images in the range from 100 to 199, while not as numerous as those in the range from 00 to 99, still span a wide variety of topics. Many of them seem to have dates of about 1908, e.g. Ezra Meeker's return from his trip by ox team across the United States and back. Images showing downtown Seattle often have very few automobiles, also suggesting early dates.

Topics include:

  • Seattle churches, schools, downtown buildings, and waterfront
  • The 1909 Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition (A.Y.P.E.)
  • Steam ships, e.g. the Mosquito Fleet of ferries
  • Naval ships, e.g. the Great White Fleet visit in 1908
  • Ezra Meeker
  • Exaggeration photos
  • Totem Place, West Seattle (J.E. Standley's home, Ye Olde Curiosity Shop)

Decades with images:

A selected image from the range 100-199:

Image 141 - U.S. Torpedo Boat Rowan Built in Seattle
Image 141 - U.S. Torpedo Boat Rowan Built in Seattle