O.T. Frasch Images Acquired in 2006

Looking at the O.T. Frasch images we acquired in a particular year won't show patterns; after all, the postcards are purchased at different times from sellers all over the United States and occasionally from around the world. But it's interesting to see how our knowledge of Otto's work has grown over the years, and how many images we've been able to purchase at a time.

Visiting several dealers directly during a trip to Seattle in 2006 yielded another big batch of postcards.

Topics on images acquired in 2006 include:

  • Seattle churches, libraries, parks, waterfront, apartments, and downtown buildings
  • West Seattle
  • The Ballard and Georgetown neighborhoods of Seattle
  • The 1909 Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition
  • Golden Potlatch 1911-1913
  • Mt. Rainier
  • Tacoma
  • The Puget Sound Navy Yard at Bremerton
  • Steamers and U.S. Navy warships
  • Logging
  • Hood Canal: Lilliwaup, Hoodsport, and Lake Cushman
  • Anacortes Island
915 - Rear View O. & W. Depot Seattle
1067 - Tahuyeh River
797 B - Lincoln Hotel Seattle
974 - On Hood Canal Wash. (Near Sunds)
662 - Georgetown from Top of Hill
387 - Boardwalk at Beach Alki Point
329 - West Seattle High School
211 - King County Bldg. A.Y.P.E.
180 - Armory Seattle
709 - 20th Ave. Looking North Ballard
133 - Portion of Puget Sound Navy Yard
337 - West Seattle Library
333 - A West Seattle Residence
309 - Luna Park Seattle 5/24/08
301 B - Luna Park Seattle
794 - Seattle General Hosrital
713 - Norwegian Luth. Church Ballard
324 copy - Luna Park Seattle
234 - Ford No. 2 Winner of Race
798 - Seattle Public Library
131 - U.S.S. Nebraska Built in Seattle
805 - S.S. Prince George
828 - Hotel Plaza Seattle
R9 - Mt. Rainier Washington
661 - A Stump House in Washington
7 - Washington Timber
1 copy - Big Tree Near Seattle
95 copy - White City Madison Park
45 - 2 Ave. Seattle
163 - S.S. Princess Victoria
R5 photo - Mt. Rainier
239 - Port of Seattle Dock
294 - Parade A.Y.P.E.
73 copy - Some Seattle Regrades
14 copy J - Flooding Dry Dock
X37 B - Fine Arts Bldg. A.Y.P.E.
R6 - Mt. Rainier Washington
236 - Alaska Bldg. A.Y.P.E.
X22 - Pergola End of Agriculture Bldg.
273 - Oriental Bldg. at Night A.Y.P.E.
240 - Yakima County Bldg. A.Y.P.E.
A.Y.P.E. Posed Group - Cascades
A.Y.P.E. Posed Group - Building
A.Y.P.E. Posed Group - Balloon
X81 - Four-Part Postcard
X35 - Agriculture Bldg. & Arctic Circle
1058 - Lincoln Hotel Roof Garden Seattle
834 - Now All Together BOOST
320 copy - Luna Park
352 - West Seattle Water Front
154 - Flagship Connecticut
Auto Parade Golden Potlatch (King's Car)
The Golden Potlatch - '97 (37)
40 - King Street Station Seattle
241 - Arctic Brotherhood Club Bldg.
851 - Americas Finest Flouring Mill
X43 - Cascad Mts. from A.Y.P.E. Grounds
348 copy - Schmitz Park
R11 - Skulken Falls on Mt. Rainier
R11 - Nisqually Falls Mt. Rainier
65 - Portion of Seattle Waterfront
A.Y.P.E. from Balloon
1018 - Seattle from Colman Dock
987 - Birds Eye View of Anacortes
997 - Steel Structure L.C. Smith Bldg.
913 - Lilliwaup Falls Wash
845 - Swedish Tabernacle Seattle
825 - Odd Fellows Hall Seattle
812 - Goldie Apts Seattle
754 - Engine House No. 2 Seattle F.D.
751 - St. Regis Apts Seattle
727 - Van Tine Apts Seattle
702 - A Play Ground in Salmon Bay Park
657 - Seattle from Beacon Hill
354 - Alki Beach Bath House Seattle
278 - A.Y.P.E. Grounds
347 - A Scene in Washington
274 - The Antlers Lake Cushman Wn
201 - L.C. Smith Bldg. 42 Stories High
173 - Yesler Way from Third Ave.
131 - 2 Ave. Seattle
114X - Seagulls on Puget Sound
75 - A Washington Cherry Tree
85 - Seattle Water Front by Moon Light
R23 - Yesler Way from City Hall
X37 A - Fine Arts Bldg. A.Y.P.E.
18 - New City Hall Seattle
51 copy - Second Ave. Seattle
R17 - Mt. Rainier Washington
5 copy - Denny Hill Regrade
R11 - On Mt. Rainier Washington
X101 - A.Y.P.E. Grounds from Universety
83 - Moonlight
463 - 5000 School Children Tacoma
Steele Structure of Hoge Bldg. Seattle
Walk in Point Defiance Park, Tacoma
820 - Northern Bank & Trust Co. Bldg.
101 A - Mt. Rainier

A selected image acquired in 2006:

Image 1067 - Tahuyeh River
Image 1067 - Tahuyeh River