O.T. Frasch Images Acquired in 2005

Looking at the O.T. Frasch images we acquired in a particular year won't show patterns; after all, the postcards are purchased at different times from sellers all over the United States and occasionally from around the world. But it's interesting to see how our knowledge of Otto's work has grown over the years, and how many images we've been able to purchase at a time.

2005 was another good year; a second trip to Kent (outside of Seattle) yielded a large haul of Frasch postcards.

Topics on images acquired in 2005 include:

  • Seattle churches, libraries, parks, waterfront, and downtown buildings
  • Seattle street regrade projects
  • The Ballard neighborhood of Seattle
  • Totem Place, Luna Park, and other scenes in West Seattle
  • The University of Washington
  • The 1909 Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition
  • Golden Potlatch 1911-1913
  • Mt. Rainier
  • Tacoma
  • The Puget Sound Navy Yard at Bremerton
  • U.S. Navy warships
  • Logging
  • Hood Canal: Lilliwaup, Hoodsport, Seabeck, and Lake Cushman
  • The Olympic Mountains west of Seattle
  • Ezra Meeker's trip to Washington D.C. and back by oxen-pulled wagon
  • Photos of family
247 - U. of W. Seattle
X47 - Looking Northwest A.Y.P.E. Grounds
19 - Old and New City Hall Seattle
Fisher & Mantell's Big Theatre Luna Park
667 - The Dock Fauntleroy Park
257 - End of Manufactures Bldg.
138 copy A - U.S. Battle Ship
46 - Native Timber Washington
46X - Native Timber Washington
Queen Anne High School
1 - Big Tree near Seattle
1070 - Sunds (Hood Canal)
868 - The First House Built in Seattl
826 A - Providence Hospital Seattle
723 - Cobb Bldg. Seattle
720 - Ballard High School
651 - Totem Pole Seattle
642 - Dry Dock Bremerton Wash U.S.N.Y.
431 - Seabeck Wn. (Hood Canal)
271 - Cushman House Lake Cushman Wash.
266 - Municipal Bathing Pavilion
259 - Vista Showing Cascades A.Y.P.E.
168 - Ezra Meeker's Ox Team at Camp
151 - Seattle Water Front
36 - F.O.E. Parade 8/13/08
17 - On Washington Drive
X10 - Mfg. Bldg. from Agriculture Bldg.
X18 - A.Y.P.E. Grounds from University
R8 - Mt. Rainier
24 - At Seattle Public Market
23X - Seattle Public Market
167 - Ezra Meeker at Luna Park
A.Y.P.E. Formal Gardens
607 - Miss Columbia in Grand Stand
244 - Vista from Canadian Bldg. A.Y.P.E.
790 copy A - Princess May Wrecked
153 B - S.S. Minnesota
601 - Geyser & Cascades A.Y.P.E.
326 - Teddy Taking a Drink in Seattle
25 copy A - At Seattle Public Market
150 - U.S.S. South Dakota
137 - U.S.S. Colorado
97 - White City Entrance
100 copy A - Mt. Rainier from Seattle
373 - G.T. Dock Fire Seattle
303 B - Luna Park Seattle
R7 - copy of Mt. Rainier, Washington
462 - Review March Public School Tacoma
225 - 42 Storie L.C. Smith Bldg.
880 - Potlatch Parade Seattle
681 - Denny Hill Regrade
738 - First Methodist Prtestant Church
930 copy - Metropolite Theatre
992 - Seattle in 1912 The Live Wire
219 - Lake Cushman
955 - Gilman Park M.E. Church Ballard
12 B - King Street Station
166 - Seattle Wash to White House
110 - 1st Ave. So. from King St.
147 - Alki Point Trolley at Luna Park
811 - L.C. Smith Building Seattle
811 - Smith Building Seattle 42 Stories
29 - Administration Building A.Y.P.
962 - Colman Dock After Being Cut in Two
50 D - Totem Pole Seattle
136 - U.S.S. St. Louis
187 - A.Y.P. Welcome Arch Seattle
1052 - Olympic Mts. Washington
138 - U.S. Battle Ship in Dry Dock
X46 B - Oregon Bldg. A.Y.P.E.
A Washington Lady Bear Hunter Tacoma
133 - Totem Pole Seattle
771 - New P.O.E. Cars Seattle
172 - Pike St. From 1st Ave.
X30 - Manufacture Bldg. A.Y.P.E.
N.P. Hospital Tacoma Wash A
X70 - Agriculture & Fisheries Bldg's.
X40 A - Mines Bldg. A.Y.P.E.
X4 B - Mfg. Bldg. & Basin A.Y.P.E.
86 - Moon Light on Puget Sound
28 - First Presbyterian Church calendar
28 copy A - First Presbyterian Church
Auto Parade Golden Potlatch Seattle
995 - Steel Stpucture L.C. Smith Bldg.
X8 - Agriculture Bldg. A.Y.P.E.
985 - Antlers Hotel Lake Cushman
768 - Music Pavilion U of W Seattle
942 - Looking South from Hoge Bldg.
938 - Section of Business Center
933 - 2nd Ave. Seattle
930 - Metropolite Theatre
926 - Seattle Watter Front #2
911 - Lilliwaup Falls Wash
888 - King Edgar Ariving from Alaska
859 - Waiting for the Gold Ship to Arive
849 - Come & See What Seattle Is Doing
764 - In Lincoln Park Seattle
811X - Steel Structure L.C. Smith Bldg.
698 - Looking South
682 - Q. A. Hill from Washington Hotel
636 - Fourth Ave. Seattle
362 - Totem Place West Seattle
336 - A Playground in West Seattle Park
311 - R.R. Ave. West Seattle
303 A - Luna Park Seattle
302 - Luna Park Seattle
301 A - Luna Park Seattle
278 - The Landing Lake Cushman Wn.
245 - Interior of Forestry Bldg.
238 - Formal Garden A.Y.P.E.
96 - Yesler Way from City Hall
214 - Garage at Lake Cushman
53 - Hotel Savoy Seattle
42 - American Bank Bldg. Seattle
51 B - 2 Ave Seattle
X48 - Auditorium Fisher & Agriculture
X34 - Agriculture & Manufacture Bldg's
X32 - Manufacture Agriculture & Mines
X27 - Agriculture Bldg. & Walk A.Y.P.E.
X26 - Agriculture Bldg. & Formal Garden
X24 - Manufactures Bldg. Collinade
23 - At Seattle Public Market
22 - Portion of Seattle Public Market
R22 - Seattle Water Front
X21 - Administration - Auditorium
11 copy A - Street Regrade Seattle
X7 - Agriculture & Fisheries Bldg's.
X4 A - Mfg. Bldg. & Basin A.Y.P.E.
Federal Bldg Seattle
57 - Hotel Diller Seattle
70 - Public Library Seattle
112 - Union Depot Seatte

A selected image acquired in 2005:

Unnumbered Image - N.P. Hospital Tacoma Wash
Unnumbered Image - N.P. Hospital Tacoma Wash