O.T. Frasch Images by Number

As was typical of early 20th Century photographers, Otto numbered most of his images. We've seen numbers from 00 to a little over 1000.

Some images have no number and are listed by title. Some image numbers have a letter as a prefix or suffix, for example 'R' for a series of images showing Mt. Rainier east of Seattle. Some image numbers were reused, especially in the 200-299 range: most of Otto's A.Y.P.E. (Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition) images had numbers in this range, and after the Exposition ended he may have reused the numbers because no one would be interested in Exposition photos.

Together these make it hard to know exactly how many images Otto printed. We know of over 800 distinct combinations of image number and negative, and of course we are always looking for more.

A selected image from our collection:

Unnumbered Image - Yourn Fer Sucksess En Good Krops Unkel Hiram
Unnumbered Image - Yourn Fer Sucksess En Good Krops Unkel Hiram