O.T. Frasch Unnumbered Images A-M

Not all O.T. Frasch images are numbered; some have only titles. We do not know why Otto did this; there is no obvious pattern to the unnumbered images.

The list includes some photos that may not not have been taken by him but show family members, or were found in family photo albums.

Topics include:

  • Seattle street regrades and downtown buildings
  • Luna Park in West Seattle
  • The 1909 Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition
  • Mt. Rainier
  • The 1911-1913 Golden Potlatch Parades
  • Lilliwaup
  • Family photos
2 Ave. Seattle A
2 Ave. Seattle B
A Washington Lady Bear Hunter Tacoma
American Bank Bldg. Seattle
Auto Parade Golden Potlatch Seattle
Auto Parade Golden Potlatch (King's car)
Auto Parade Golden Potlatch (stands)
A.Y.P.E. from Balloon at 1500 Feet
A.Y.P.E. Formal Gardens
A.Y.P.E. Plaza
A.Y.P.E. Posed Group
Bronco Busting
Eagle Dyeing
Federal Bldg Seattle
First Building of A.Y.P. Expo Seattle 1909
First Presbyterian Church Seattle
Fisher & Mantell's Big Theatre
Girls in Snow Drift
Come to the Golden Potlatch 97
Hand-painted Mt. Rainier Washington
Japanese Tea House West Seattle
Lilliwaup Falls 1912 calendar
Mt. Rainier Washington (dead trees)

A selected image from the range A-M:

Unnumbered Image - American Bank Bldg. Seattle
Unnumbered Image - American Bank Bldg. Seattle