Looking at the O.T. Frasch images we acquired in a particular year won't
show patterns; after all, the postcards are purchased at different times from
sellers all over the United States and occasionally from around the world. But
it's interesting to see how our knowledge of Otto's work has grown over the
years, and how many images we've been able to purchase at a time.
2004 marked our first visit to a postcard show in Kent, Washington, just
outside of Seattle. Thanks in part to the purchase of a large collection of
Frasch postcards, our collection more than doubled in size in one day. We
purchased more Frasch images in 2004 than in any other year.
Topics on images acquired in 2004 include:
- Seattle churches, schools, parks, waterfront, and downtown buildings
- Seattle street regrade projects
- The Ballard neighborhood of Seattle
- Totem Place, Luna Park, and other scenes in West Seattle
- The University of Washington
- The 1909 Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition
- Golden Potlatch 1911-1913
- Mt. Rainier
- The Puget Sound Navy Yard at Bremerton
- Ferries, Steamers, and U.S. Navy warships
- Logging
- Hood Canal: Lilliwaup, Duckabush, and Lake Cushman
- The Olympic Mountains west of Seattle
- University of Idaho
- Ezra Meeker's trip to Washington D.C. and back by oxen-pulled wagon
- National Apple Show at Spokane
- Gag photo
208 - Forestry Bldg. U. of W. Seattle
959 - Seattle Water Front
324 - Luna Park Seattle
318 - Queen Anne Hill From West Seattle
315 - Entrance to Luna Park
300 - Luna Park Seattle
184 - Totem Place West Seattle
804 - St. Marks Church Seattle
823 - Seattle Cedar Lbr. Mills
759 - First M.E. Church Seattle
1054 - Olympic Mts.
312 B - West Seattle Ferry
82 - A Drink on the House
118 - Broadwy High School Seattle
56 - New Washington Hotel
44 - Interior of 1st Presbyterian Church
3 - Auto Parade Golden Potlatch
144 - U.S.S. Washington
139 - U.S.S. St. Louis
313 - Duckabush River Wn
474 - A Storm on Mt. Tacoma
213 - Lake Cushman Wn
406 - Gorge, Lake Cushman Wn.
421 - To Devil's Staircase Lake Cushman
424 - Devil's Staircase Lake Cushman
781 - On the Shore of Lake Washington
309 - Luna Park & Queen Anne Hill
X46 A - Oregon Bldg. A.Y.P.E.
X39 - Manufactures Bldg. A.Y.P.E.
X36 - View Through Columns A.Y.P.E.
34 - Yesler Way from Third Ave.
188 copy B - S.S. H.B. Kennedy
188 copy A - S.S. H.B. Kennedy
188 - S.S. H.B. Kennedy
54 - Hotel Savoy Seattle
62 - Seattle from Coleman Dock
344 - Totem Place West Seattle
109 copy A - First Avenue
12 A - King Street Station Seattle
887 - G.T.P. & Colman Docks Seattle
73 - Some Seattle Regrades
226 - Cascades & Gov't Bldg at Night
281 - Compliments of Hoo-Hoo House
280 - Compliments of Hoo-Hoo House
233 - Compliments of Hoo Hoo House
721 - East Side School Ballard
717 - Public Library Ballard
S.S. Alameda (Cut Colman Dock in Two)
961 - Colman Dock After Being Cut in Two
X13 - Mfg. Bldg. & Machinery Hall
Dedication of St. James Cathedral
765 - U of W Campus Seattle
716 - A Resident Scene in Ballard
153 A - S.S. Minnesota
603 - At A.Y.P.E. Pay Streak
829 - O. & W. R.R. Depot Seattle
701 - Princess Angeline
136 - U.S.S. Milwaukee
114 A - Seagulls on Puget Sound
328 - Moon Light on Puget Sound
R7 - Mt. Rainier Washington
R3 - Mt. Rainier Washington
R13 - Narada Falls on Mt. Rainier
875 - Potlatch Parade Seattle
Potlatch Parade Seattle (canoe)
655 - Hotel Diller Seattle
R16 - Mt. Rainier Washington
S.S. Indianapolis
967 - Elks Parad Golden Potlatch
Potlatch Parade Seattle
866 - Potlatch Parade Seattle
305 - West Seattle Ferry
179 - Logging in Washington
987 - Cushman House (Lake Cushman)
731 - Seward Apts Seattle
240 - King Street Station Seattle
874 - Potlatch Parade Seattle
862 - King Edgar D'Oro on His Throne
854 A - Birth of the Golden Potlatch
132 - U.S. Battleship Wisconsin
190 - S.S. Athlon Settle-Bremerton Run
189 - S.S. Toupist
16 - Auto Parade Golden Potlatch
24 - Parad Golden Potlatch Seattle
613 - Section of Seattle Water Front
142 - Portion of Shops
91 - In Madison Park
777 - A Foot Path in Mt Baker Park
00 A - Interior of St. James Cathedral
787 - Sans Souci Alki Point
666 - Fauntleroy Park Beach
909 - New N.P.R.Y. Drawbridge Seattle
63 - Regrade at 2nd Ave. & Virginia St.
797 - Lincoln Hotel Seattle
66 - 3rd Ave. Seattle
R5 - Mt. Rainier Washington
956 - Fire Station #18 Ballard Wash.
953 - Ballard Playfield
944 - Metropolitan Theatre Seattle
940 - 2nd Ave. From Hoge Bldg. Seattle
856 - 2nd Ave. Seattle
853 - President Hayes
850 - Hoge Building
847 - Four-Part Postcard
846 - Four-Part Postcard
788 - Alki Ave. Seattle
775 - A Washington Bungalow
668 - A Driveway in Fauntleroy Park
655 - Denny Hill Regrade
620 - The Remains of Denny Hill
334 - Totem Place West Seattle
332 - Seattle Yacht Club Anchorage
312 A - West Seattle Ferry
293 - Alaska Bldg. A.Y.P.E.
292 - Igorrote Dance A.Y.P.E.
286 - The House Upside Down A.Y.P.E.
285 - Forestry Bldg A.Y.P.E.
283 - South Entrance A.Y.P.E.
281 - Hoo-Hoo House A.Y.P.E.
261 - Main Entrance A.Y.P.E.
253 - Rainier Vista Looking North
249 - Japanese Bldg A.Y.P.E.
242 - Geyser & Cascades
237 - Looking North from R.R. Bridge
384 - In Frink Park Seattle
234 - In Frink Park Seattle
232 - New York State Bldg A.Y.P.E.
228 - Entrance to A.Y.P. at Night
224 - Mines Bldg A.Y.P.E.
220 - Spokane Bldg A.Y.P.E.
219 - Idaho Bldg A.Y.P.E.
218 - Fine Arts Bldg A.Y.P.E.
216 - Rainier Vista A.Y.P.E.
210 - Alaska Bldg A.Y.P.E.
207 - Auditorium A.Y.P.E.
206 - Fisheries Bldg A.Y.P.E.
202 - Looking Down the Pay Streak
201 - Manufactures Bldg Colonade
181 - Vancouver Arch Seattle
X25 - Auditorium A.Y.P.E. Seatte 1909
763 - Administration Bldg U of W
16 - Interlaken Boulevard Leschi Park
507 - New Administration Bldg. U. of I.
275 - Michigan Club Bldg A.Y.P.E.
268 - Vista from Agriculture Bldg
125 - Seattle Yachts
123 - U. S. Post Office Seattle
98 - Madison Park Parvilion
50 C - Totem Pole Seattle
95 - White City Madison Park
46 copy A - Washington Timber
46 - Washington Timber
89 - In Woodland Park Seattle
61 copy A - Union St. From 3rd Ave.
61 - Union St. From 3rd Ave.
47 - Dedication of St. James Cathedral
39 - Northern Bank & Trust Bldg.
X26 A - Agriculture Bldg. A.Y.P.E.
14 copy D - Flooding Dry Dock
15 - Leschi Park Seattle
6 - Leschi Park Seattle
227 - Colman Dock Seattle
71 - First Prize Car Load (630 Boxes)
941 - Madison Street Seattle
812 copy A - Regrade Changes in Seattle
812 - Regrade Changes in Seattle
848 - Four-Part Postcard
912 - Lilliwaup Falls Wash.
327 - West Seattle Water Front
122 - Moon Light on Seattle Water Front
88 - In Woodland Park Seattle
Noble Hospital Seattle, Wash
699 - Business Center Seattle
11X - Fourth Ave. Regrade Seattle
74 - In Madrona Park
A.Y.P.E. from Balloon at 1500 Feet
703 - In Salmon Bay Park
697 - Denny Hill Regrade
665 - On the Beach Fauntleroy Park
348 - Schmitz Park Seattle
225 - Washington State Bldg A.Y.P.E.
204 - Entrance A.Y.P.E.
200 - Chinese Village A.Y.P.E.
186 - A.Y.P. Welcome Arch Seattle
166 - Ezra Meeker in Seattle
1 - A Cedar Tree in Washington
214 - Canada Bldg. A.Y.P.E.
31 - Seattle Waterfront
64 - Coleman Dock Seattle
78 - The Olimpic Mt's
A selected image acquired in 2004:
Image R7 - Mt. Rainier Washington