O.T. Frasch Images 500-509

O.T. Frasch images in the range from 500 to 509 show scenes from Moscow, Idaho, where the University of Idaho is located. There are only a few Frasch images from Idaho, and some of these have been printed by other photographers. Images 505 and 506 show black areas where some of the emulsion was scraped off the glass plates; one copy of image 505 was printed by a photographer named Vroman, whose signature was in the scraped-off area. Thus Otto might not have taken any of these photos.

501 - U. of I. Cadets Moscow Idaho
504 - Pipe Organ Presbyterian Church
505 - U. of I. Cadets Camps Moscow Idaho
506 - U. of I. Cadets Parade
507 - New Administration Bldg. U. of I.

A selected image from the range 500-509:

Image 506 - U. of I. Cadets Parade Moscow Idaho
Image 506 - U. of I. Cadets Parade Moscow Idaho