O.T. Frasch Images 230-239

Most O.T. Frasch images in the range from 230 to 239 show scenes from the 1909 World's Fair held in Seattle, the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition. There are also images of Seattle parks and waterfront, buildings in downtown Seattle, and the Olympic Mountains west of Seattle, apparently taken after the exposition ended. Otto may have reused the image numbers because no one would be interested in A.Y.P.E. images after the exposition ended.

230 - Interior Canadian Bldg A.Y.R.E.
231 - Swedish Bldg. A.Y.P.E.
231 - Elk's New Home 92 Seattle
232 - New York State Bldg A.Y.P.E.
233 - Compliments of Hoo Hoo House
234 - Ford No. 2 Winner of Race
234 - In Frink Park Seattle
235 - Yukon Ave. A.Y.P.E.
235 - Olympic Mts.
236 - Alaska Bldg. A.Y.P.E.
237 - Looking North from R.R. Bridge
238 - Formal Garden A.Y.P.E.
239 - Port of Seattle Dock

A selected image from the range 230-239:

Image 235 - Olympic Mts.
Image 235 - Olympic Mts.