O.T. Frasch Images 860-869

O.T. Frasch images in the range from 860 to 869 show floats in a Golden Potlatch parade. These were held from 1911 to 1913. None of the images in this range are signed, but all have captions written in Otto's distinctive style (and with some of his typographical errors).

860 - Santa Claus Etering the U.S.
861 - Queen Daphne on Her Throne
862 - King Edgar D'Oro on His Throne
863 - Miss Seattle with Gold Ship in Her Hand
864 - An Old Stump House Seattle
866 - Potlatch Parade Seattle
867 - Potlatch Parade Seattle
868 - The First House Built in Seattl

A selected image from the range 860-869:

Image 866 - Potlatch Parade Seattle
Image 866 - Potlatch Parade Seattle