O.T. Frasch images in the range from 20 to 29 use multiple numbering
schemes. The numbering schemes and duplicate image numbers make it hard to
know just how many photos Otto printed.
Within this range, many images are reprints of official Frank Nowell photos
taken for the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition. Their image numbers begin with
'X'. Some were printed under Otto's name, while others were apparently printed
on contract for Central News Co. and the American Post Card Co.
Topics in the image range from 20 to 29 include:
- Seattle churches, street regrades, Pike Place Market, and downtown
- The 1909 Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition (A.Y.P.E.)
- The 1911-1913 Golden Potlatch Parades
Image numbers for downtown Seattle buildings in the range from 20 to 29
begin with 'R'; usually this prefix denotes Mt. Rainier photos. There is also
an image "23X" of the Pike Place Market unrelated to the A.Y.P.E.
21 - Cathedral Seattle
X21 - Administration - Auditorium
22 - Portion of Seattle Public Market
X22 - Pergola End of Agriculture Bldg.
X22 - End of Agriculture Bldg. A.Y.P.E.
R22 - Seattle Water Front
23 - At Seattle Public Market
23X - Seattle Public Market
X23 - Eskimos at A.Y.P.E.
R23 - Yesler Way from City Hall
23 - Parade Golden Potlatch Seattle
24 - At Seattle Public Market
X24 - Manufactures Bldg. Collinade
24 - Parad Golden Potlatch Seattle
25 - At Seattle Public Market
X25 A - Auditorium A.Y.P.E.
X25 - Auditorium A.Y.P.E. Seatte 1909
X26 A - Agriculture Bldg. A.Y.P.E.
X26 B - Agriculture Bldg. A.Y.P.E.
X27 - Agriculture Bldg. & Walk A.Y.P.E.
28 - First Presbyterian Church Seattle
X28 - Siberian Natives Eskimo Village
29 - 3 Ave. Regrade Seattle
29 - Administration Building A.Y.P.
X29 - Washington State Bldg. A.Y.P.E.
A selected image from the range 20-29:
Image X29 - Washington State Bldg. A.Y.P.E.