O.T. Frasch Images 60-69

Most O.T. Frasch images with numbers in the range from 60 to 69 show Seattle scenes: street regrades, the waterfront, and downtown buildings. There is one image from Idaho with the number "6-1", ordered here as if it were "61". There is also an image 61 showing a busy street in downtown Seattle. Image number overlaps like this make it hard to determine how many images Otto printed overall.

60 - 2 Ave. Seattle
61 - Union St. From 3rd Ave.
61 - A Canyon Near Mascow
62 - Seattle from Coleman Dock
63 - Regrade at 2nd Ave. & Virginia St. Seattle
64 - Colman Dock Seattle
65 - Portion of Seattle Waterfront
66 - 3rd Ave. Seattle

A selected image from the range 60-69:

Copy of Image 64 - Colman Dock Seattle
Copy of Image 64 - Colman Dock Seattle